Guide Ground Rules

Whiteout Outfitters Guide Rules

Guide Ground Rules

Whiteout Outfitters Guide Ground Rules

Whiteout Outfitters' Guide to Professional Conduct

At Whiteout Outfitters, we take immense pride in providing our clients with exceptional outdoor experiences. Our guides are the backbone of our operation, ensuring that every hunting adventure is safe, enjoyable, and memorable. To maintain our high standards of professionalism and safety, we have established a set of guidelines and rules for our guides. In this article, we'll outline these essential guidelines, which include the prohibition of marijuana and alcohol use while working in the field, as well as some everyday work rules.

1. Alchohol & Marijuana Use During Work Hours

Whiteout Outfitters is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our clients and staff. Therefore, we have a strict policy against the use of marijuana or any marijuana-related products while on duty or working in the field. This prohibition applies to both the hunting guides and any other staff members involved in our outdoor adventures. In alignment with our safety-first approach, we emphasize that alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited while working in the field or during the day. We recognize that responsible drinking may be enjoyed in moderation during downtime, but it is essential to remain sober and alert when guiding clients in the great outdoors.

2. Respecting the Land We Use

a. Avoiding Driving in Wet Fields:

Guides must exercise extreme caution when navigating the hunting area. If fields are wet or soggy due to weather conditions, guides are strictly prohibited from driving, including the use of side-by-side vehicles, in these areas. Such actions can lead to soil compaction, erosion, and damage to the delicate ecosystem.

b. Environmental Stewardship:

Our commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond avoiding wet fields. Guides should actively practice Leave No Trace principles, which include respecting wildlife, minimizing waste, and preserving the natural beauty of the land. This means ensuring that no litter or waste is left behind and taking measures to minimize our impact on the environment.

c. Cleaning Up Trash:

Guides are responsible for ensuring that any trash generated during the hunting expedition is collected, properly disposed of, or recycled. Litter and debris not only harm the environment but also diminish the quality of the hunting experience for our clients.

d. Responsible Fire Use:

If fires are permitted during camping or hunting outings, guides should exercise responsible fire management, including using designated fire rings or stoves and ensuring that fires are completely extinguished before leaving the area.

4. Everyday Work Rules

In addition to the specific guidelines regarding substance use, our guides are expected to adhere to the following everyday work rules to maintain a professional and safe environment:

Standard Everyday Work Rules for Employees

  1. Punctuality: Employees should arrive at work on time and be ready to start their tasks at the designated start time.

  2. Professionalism: Employees should conduct themselves in a professional manner, including being respectful and courteous to colleagues, clients, and customers.

  3. Confidentiality: Any sensitive or confidential information learned in the course of employment should be kept confidential and not shared with unauthorized individuals.

  4. Use of Company Property: Employees should use company property, such as equipment and vehicles, responsibly and for work-related purposes only.

  5. Safety: Following safety protocols and guidelines to ensure a safe work environment is crucial. This includes reporting safety hazards or incidents promptly.

  6. Ethical Behavior: Employees should adhere to the company's code of ethics and conduct themselves with honesty and integrity.

  7. Communication: Effective communication within the workplace is essential. Employees should keep their supervisors and colleagues informed about relevant work-related matters.

  8. Use of Technology: If employees have access to company computers and technology, they should use them for work-related purposes and follow company policies regarding internet and email use.

  9. Conflict Resolution: Employees should attempt to resolve conflicts or disagreements with colleagues in a constructive and professional manner.

  10. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Employees must follow all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies in the performance of their duties.

  11. No Harassment or Discrimination: Employees should not engage in or tolerate harassment or discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, age, religion, or disability.

  12. Substance Abuse: Depending on the workplace, policies regarding alcohol and drug use may vary, but employees should not be under the influence of substances that impair their job performance or safety.


Whiteout Outfitters holds its guides to the highest standards of professionalism and safety to deliver outstanding hunting experiences to our clients. Our strict policy against marijuana and alcohol use during work hours is a testament to our commitment to safety and quality. By adhering to these guidelines and everyday work rules, our guides contribute to the success of our outdoor adventures and the satisfaction of our clients. We believe that these principles are essential in maintaining our reputation as a premier hunting outfitter, and we thank our guides for their dedication to upholding these standards.


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About Whiteout Outfitters

Embark on an exhilarating journey with Whiteout Outfitters into the heart of the wild, where the beauty of spring converges with the thrill of snow goose hunting. Nestled across the picturesque landscapes of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota, our outfitter's passion for outdoor excellence and dedication to creating unforgettable experiences beckon adventure enthusiasts and seasoned hunters alike.